At 6:46pm, we finally saw a glimpse of a ray of light. The sun was rising. Everyone geared up and were ready to capture the majestic moment in any way they could. The sun rose like no other day. The sun rose like none of us had ever seen before. Like a bulging fire, the sun rose and as it rose, it painted the Everest region golden. And with every second, the ray shot the colors of gold to Rolwaling, Ganesh, Langtang and Annapurna range. The view of the golden mountains, the full moon and the glowing sun, the chilly mist below the mountain lines, overlooking so many hillocks in the 360-degree view enraptured us.
We posed and captured the bewitching panorama in every way we could and finally at 7:30 we came back to reality. The reality that we had a long way to go back home and time was crucial.
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