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Trivial fear

Deep. Its deep. The emotion that is controlling me right now is deep. I am feeling some anxiety, fear, insecurity. I am scared. "I dont love you" "I am sorry but i never loved you like......" Her words are echoing through me deep. Deep. Through this abandoned and outmoded park i see a setting sun. A deep tenebrous shade of red has beseiged the clouds. The tree above me is hallowing in pain or is it screaming dance of joy? I am staring at the horizon. "Damn I am a man, for God's sake stop. Please." -I tell myself. I cant find a tissue, who carries it anyway? They are not stopping. "What the fish? " I travelled some pretty miles, crossed some pretty villages , climbed some pretty tough hills , hungry as hell but no appetite, all this hardship so that voice would stop echoing through my whole body, those memories of her would estrange from my heart but these tears of pain are the only thing besides my body sweat that has estranged from my body l
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Claiming your SSF in Nepal

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Trek To Tilicho-Thorangla: Sep 29, 2018 - Oct 6 2018

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